Mission and Vision

I AM Because We Are


Our vision:

“To transform and inspire the youths of the African continent so that they become the builders of peaceful and prosperous nations where unity and harmony prevail in every field of social life”.

Our mission:

“To create opportunities whereby the African youths can learn and apply the values of effective transformative leadership in order to address the challenges imposed by globalization in the 21st century, thereby building peaceful and powerful nations across the African continent”.

 We are:

  •  Committed to the view that every African citizen aspires to the values of peace, progress and prosperity, and that these are the utmost pillars for the stability of any society, and persuaded to the fact that the dignity of any African citizen, man and woman, young and old, is closely linked to these pillars;


  • Dedicated to the fact that transformative leadership is the foundation of a just and well-organized modern State which can yield the three pillars of stability;


  • Bound by the Constitution Act of the African Union, and by relevant international covenants and conventions which African Nations have ratified;


  • Committed to the pursuit of the values that are underlined in the Agenda 2063 that Africa aims to achieve, that include the transformation of the African continent through the advancement of education, development, inclusion and diversity;


  • Assented to the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons under the rule of law and committing ourselves to the protection of these essential values and their constant adaptation to the changing needs of the African citizens in general, and the youth and women in particular;


  • Recognizing that human dignity in a democratic system requires that all citizens participate in designing, implementing, and evaluating national policies at various levels, as well as having full information concerning those policies;


  • Moved by the feeling that each African citizen, and any person of African descent shall play their role in promoting development for their mother continent;
    • - Linked by our forefathers’ view of Pan-African Vision of a unified continent for the Africa’s Renaissance,
    • - Responding to the ‘Call to Action’ echoed by the African Union to realize the dream for a transformed Africa by 2063,

Our core values


We are answerable to one another in the organization, and the same way, we are answerable with our partners.


We share every information regarding our organization’s operations in order to create clarity, trust, and remain accountable to every member of The African Eye.

Respect for diversity

We aim to promote recognition of personal differences, and we support equity, equality, and inclusion in all what we do.


We fight corruption in all its forms, and ethical values underpin our decisions, our actions and our behaviors.


We support each other for better or for worse


Our internal values and beliefs are aligned with our actions and behaviors.


We are fair in the way we carry our work.


Our work is guided by written rules and procedures, and we ensure full participation of everyone

 We aspire for:

 - A secure, peaceful, progress-oriented, and prosperous way of life for all Africans,

  • - An effective and transformative leadership across the Africa, through which the virtue of excellence will be the driving principle to achieve the shared values.
  • - A fully unified continent, where the sons and daughters of Africa work together to achieve an independent, free, and enlightened continent that promotes equal access to development.


Our domain of work

  • - Capacity building and coaching
  • - Education and training
  • - Research and publications

Our objectives

  • - To work toward Africa unity through transformative leadership.
  • - To advocate for excellence-oriented leadership across diverse spheres of social life.
  • - To educate and prepare the African youths so they can take over African leadership for tomorrow.

Every African, or friend of an African, aged 18, can become a member of The African Eye (TAE). Membership is effective upon adherence to organizational core values and principles of action, and the commitment to word toward the realization of organizational vision. Members from inside the mother Continent, and those from the Diaspora are considered with equal status.

80 Concept Projects
50 In Progress
96 Completion rate